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Yearly Congress / Survey on members' expectations /Results

Survey on members' expectations / Results

Dear colleagues,

Please find enclosed the results of the survey about the expectations of membres about the Yearly Congress.

On the basis of the results of this survey, the AIACE Management Board decided at its meeting on 28 March 2023:

– to separate the General Assembly (which would be held in spring in virtual mode) from the Yearly Congress

– to organise the Congress in the autumn (in September in the North, in October in the South)

– if possible, to provide at least two categories of hotels

– to plan a welcome evening per section, preferably by the respective presidents in order to welcome the more isolated members

– to find a balance between excursions, cultural and leisure activities, conferences/debates and recreational activities

– to provide an optional half-day of workshops on various themes

– to choose Sicily as a destination in 2024 and Northern Europe in 2025.

Dominique Deshayes, President


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