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You will find most of contact details of the services of DG HR and PMO in the appended table.

Contact details DG HR / PMO

You will find most of contact details of the services of DG HR and PMO in the appended table.

If you need any kind of help, the first contact point is the DG HR’s Sector “Relations with former staff members” : +32 2 29 59058 and HR-BXL-AIDE-PENSIONNES@ec.europa.eu.

Warning : pending an update of the table, here are a number of details that have changed since publication :

PMO Pensions : Questions about pensions :+32 2 29 11111 Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 12:30

PMO / Welcome desk : it is essential to make an appointment by email or phone :

Brussels : PMO-RCAM-BRU-RDV@ec.europa.eu or +32 2 29 11111 

Luxembourg : PMO-RCAM-LUX-RDV@ec.europa.eu or +32 2 29 11111

Ispra : PMO–ISPRA-RCAM-HD@ec.europa.eu or +32 2 29 11111 

PMO / Help Desk for EU Login + all PMO applications: RCAM, MyPMO, Sysper Post Activity, Staff Contact, etc.: +32 2 29 11111 + option 7 on Monday to Friday 9.30am to 12.30pm or PMO-IT-APPLICATIONS@ec.europa.eu

DG HR : renewal of  access passes:

For Brussels: Rue Philippe Le Bon, 3,  1000 Brussels, office 01/86, by appointment only (HR-DS-CARTES-DE-SERVICE-BRUXELLES@ec.europa.eu), Tel. +32 2 295 66 54.

For Luxembourg: HR-DS-CARTES-DE-SERVICE-LUXEMBOURG@ec.europa.eu

PMO’s single telephone number +32 2 29 11111

Table of contact details of DG HR and PMO

Europe Direct - answering your questions about the EU

Do you have questions about the EU? Europe Direct has the answers. The Europe Direct service does not comment on European policy issues or on positions adopted by the EU. It does not handle or pass on complaints (but it can tell you who to contact). The service is available in the 24 official languages. Contact by telephone on 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11, by e-mail, or by visiting your nearest Europe Direct Information Centre (CIED) in your country.

Go to the Europe Direct website

EU Whoiswho - The official directory of the European Union

Go to the website of the directory

European Consumer Centres Network - ECC Net

The European Consumer Centres Network offers EU residents and citizens advice on their consumer rights and legal protections when shopping and travelling in another European Union Member State, Norway or Iceland. From our 29 offices, 150 legal experts provide advice and assistance in 24 different languages, free of charge.

To the ECC Network website where you will find the links to the centres in the different countries.

Useful sources of information for pensioners

Various useful sources of information for pensioners

Files library

You will find in the library all the documents related to "Contacts" that you may need.

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