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The General Meeting

The General Meeting is the supreme body of the Association.

The General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting is the supreme organ of the Association. Are in particular reserved to its competence:

  • amendments to the Statutes;
  • the confirmation of one or more members of the Management Body upon designation by the national sections;
  • the dismissal of one or more members of the Management Body on the proposal of the national sections;
  • the approval of the budgets and accounts of the central bodies of the Association and the appointment of auditors;
  • the voluntary dissolution of AIACE.

It meets every year in May on video.

The new format includes – besides the General Meeting itself – a conference/debate on a topic of European or general interest as well as a meeting with the representatives of the administrations of the various institutions.

The 2024 General Meeting took place on 27-28 May. The speaker was be F. Frutuoso de Melo, former Director General at the Commission

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