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Insurance policies

Acting through the intermediary of the insurance broker Cigna, the AIACE has concluded

• an accident insurance contract which provides the same kind of cover against accidents as is afforded to staff in active employment by the Staff Regulations,

• a complementary hospitalisation insurance contract which enables retired staff to cover medical expenses arising from hospitalisation and/or surgery.

Insurance policies

AIACE’s governing instances had long been aware of some deficiencies in the Staff Regulation, particularly concerning insurance for retired staff and agents.  For example, when officials retire, the JSIS obviously continues to reimburse medical expenses, but coverage for disability or death due to an accident ceases. It was therefore necessary to find a coverage for accidents for retired staff, that is similar to the one applicable to officials.  For this reason, AIACE entered into an”accident” insurance contract through the insurance broker Cigna, which offers “accident” coverage equivalent to that guaranteed by the Staff Regulation to active staff. This insurance is the only one that – to our knowledge- offers worldwide coverage.  In addition, it should be noted that it compensates medical expenses up to 100%, regardless of the ceilings applicable under the JSIS.

Thereafter, AIACE entered into an insurance contract with the same broker that allows former public servants to cover medical expenses due to hospitalization and/or surgery and which remain at their responsibility after intervention by the Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme. It is thus a supplementary insurance.

These two insurances, tailor-made for pensioners, are, of course, not mandatory. It is up to everyone to find more advantageous proposals on the market, if any, by carefully comparing the conditions offered in terms of coverage and premiums.

AIACE has an Insurance Group that controls the operation of these policies, including rates; any tariff or other substantive changes are necessarily discussed within the group and so far agreement has always been reached on justified and reasonable changes. For any questions, the Insurance Group can be contacted at the following address: aiace.assurances@gmail.com.

Cigna organises face-to-face meetings by appointment in the AIACE offices in Brussels (Rue Van Maerlant, 18; office VM18-3/6, 1000 Brussels) and meetings on video (via webex). Please contact the insurance broker : Cigna/Eurprivileges, info@eurprivileges.com, tel. +32 3 217 65 76. See dates here.

Information concerning these two policies can be found on the following websites:

Under “files” at the bottom of the page you will find two documents explaining in detail both AIACE policies.


In practice

When they retire, staff lose the accident insurance provided for by the Staff Regulations for staff in active employment (Article 73 of the Staff Regulations), which hitherto has afforded them a supplementary payment of up to 100% of the expenses incurred and payment of a lump sum upon disability or death due to an accident.

In addition, in a context where medical expenses are rising, the amount remaining to be paid by the retiree after reimbursement by the JSIS (Article 72 of the Staff Regulations, 80 to 85%) is rising, particularly in view of the ceilings and the excess principle applied by the JSIS, and because many illnesses are not recognised by the JSIS as being serious.

The AIACE has therefore negotiated with the insurance broker Cigna insurance schemes adapted to the JSIS and governed by two framework contracts:

1)    An accident insurance scheme, under which a lump sum is payable in the event of death or disability due to an accident, supplementing JSIS’s reimbursement of medical expenses arising from the accident (including but not confined to expenses arising from hospitalisation) with no time limit. 

NB: The reimbursement of medical expenses arising from an accident may be reduced or refused if Cigna’s medical adviser regards them as abnormally high or unnecessary. In some cases it may be wise to contact Cigna about certain major expenses.


2)    A hospitalisation insurance scheme, which enables retirees to cover medical expenses arising from hospitalisation and/or surgery which remain charged to them after the Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme has made the payments to which they are entitled.

NB: As JSIS payments are limited by a ceiling on reimbursements, the supplementary hospital insurance scheme guarantees you a supplementary reimbursement, the maximum amount being equivalent to that from JSIS.

AIACE’s insurance group advises future retirees about the insurance available to them and assists them in the event of any difficulty in their relations with the insurance broker Cigna. The group may be contacted about any question at the following address: aiace.assurances@gmail.com.


Contacting Cigna

In your contacts with Cigna, it is best to communicate by email. The telephone line is often engaged, and it is not advisable to send anything through the post unless it is by registered post. Two communication channels exist, depending on the nature of your questions.

For questions about your affiliation to the scheme or your contract

For applications for reimbursements under the hospitalisation insurance scheme

In the event of an accident, about the accident insurance scheme


Tel. +32 3 217 65 76


Cigna Eurprivileges
Plantin en Moretuslei 299

2140 Antwerp


Tel. +32 3 217 65 85

Plantin en Moretuslei 299
2140 Antwerp



Tel. +32 3 217 65 85

Plantin en Moretuslei 299
2140 Antwerp




Hospitalisation insurance

Accident insurance


  • What is the reimbursement procedure?

1.     Prepare the following supporting documents:

o   JSIS statement of reimbursements;

o   Copies of invoices for outpatient care received up to 2 months before and 6 months after hospitalisation.

2.     Download the application form for a reimbursement from Cigna

3.     Complete and sign it.
If your banking details have changed, please complete the ‘Payment’ section on the form.

4.     Send your reimbursement application, accompanied by all the supporting documents:

o   on line: go to your personal web pages on Cigna’s website

o   by email to  claims082@eurprivileges.com

o   by post to:
Plantin en Moretuslei 299
2140 Antwerp
In view of the risk that your mail may be lost in transit, we recommend that you send it by registered post

5.     You may consult your Cigna reimbursement statements on line on your personal web pages (after activation of the service).



  • What should you do in the event of an accident?


1.     Send the accident report and medical certificateto benefits@cigna.com within 15 days after your accident

or by post to:
Plantin en Moretuslei 299
2140 Antwerp
NB: In view of the risk that your mail may be lost in transit, we recommend that you send it by registered post


2.     Once Cigna has informed you of the acceptance of your accident report, you may send Cigna the JSIS reimbursement statement and copies of the invoices at the same email address, benefits@cigna.com (or by post), quoting the reference number of your accident report.


We advise you to make photocopies of the invoices before sending them to the JSIS. You will receive a notification from Cigna once the reimbursement has been made.



Contact Cigna

Cigna Eurprivileges
P.O. Box 69
2140 Antwerp
Tel. +32 3 217 65 76

Files library

You will find in the library all the documents related to "Insurance policies" that you may need.

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