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EU Login App

This is an app that offers highly secure alternative authentication methods. This application allows users to authenticate themselves using a mobile device - smartphone or tablet (Android or iOS) - simply by entering a personal PIN code or by fingerprint or facial recognition. This is a much more secure and reliable method than the SMS code, which will be phased out by June 2025.

The "EU Login App"

The EU Login App is not a JSIS app, but purely an alternative application to the SMS method for safer and easier authentication.

How can I add a mobile device to my EU Login account?

Have a look at the written guide EU LOGIN APP. This guide also exists in Danish, French, German and Spanish (just type “EU Login app” in the search engine of the “Documentation” tab).

Have a look at an explanatory video (in English but you can get printed subtitles in a wide range of languages by clicking on the ‘Subtitles’ button at the bottom right of the screen + choose your language): https://trusted-digital-identity.europa.eu/eu-login-help/how-can-i-add-mobile-device-my-eu-login-account_en . Beware : it is not specified in the video, but you need to start from  https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/cas and then ‘My account’.

In case you encounter problems during the installation or activation of the EU Login App, the document EU LOGIN APP Installation problems could help you.

In case of any other trouble, don’t hesitate to check the page : https://ecas.ec.europa.eu/cas/help.html page accessible without EU Login access. This page contains a number of Frequent Asked Questions, including one for retired staff of the EU institutions: ‘I used to work for a European institution’.


Support documents

How to install and activate the EU Login App: EU LOGIN APP. This guide also exists in Danish, French, German and Spanish (just type “EU Login app” in the search engine of the “Documentation” tab).

In case you encounter problems during the installation or activation of the EU Login App: EU LOGIN APP Installation problems


Documents and Forms

How to connect to EU Login App ?

“My Remote” is a single access point with a menu to access the various Commission applications (JSIS online, My IntraComm, SYSPER Post Activity, Staff Matter + Staff Contact and EU Login). All these options are accessible with a single EU Login authentication, except JSIS online which requires a second one for security reasons.

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